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tv   [untitled]    October 23, 2012 9:30pm-10:00pm PDT

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requested a presentation to help to understand why some of our schools have lost their after school programs. so last night, we had a presentation by mala lou smith the director of ex-cell after school programs and we learned about the funding source and why some of the funding no longer exists. we also gave her recommendations for programs and how youth can be engaged in this election of activities and effective credit recovery options. >> thank you, very much. >> okay. let's move on to the next item which is item e, parent advisory council, pac report. representative? and it is ruth, again.
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>> we are going to milk this last week. >> this is my last report to the board as the parent of the advisory council. kind of really flowing from what the student advisory council was just talking about, one of the pac's priorities is addressing the issue of high school graduation requirements and especially just looking at where the students who are in 11th grade right now who are the first students to have to meet the athrough g requirements where they are at. first of all the pac is very concerned about the number of students who are not on track to graduate right now. and really especially about the disproportionate on the african, latino and other students. it is making, we are really making an effort to learn more about the plans to respond to this urgent problem. and it feels the parents like a
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crisis and actually i have been in a number of meetings and i am glad to say that the district is responding to it as a crisis and has an action plan in place for both the short-term and also we are glad to see some conversation about the longer term strategies to resolve the barriers to graduation that many students are facing, kind of institutional barriers. we have been participating in a lot of different meetings and just before the board meeting tonight i was in a meeting with the district staff had convened with a lot of community organizations that serve youth, and certain familis in different parts of the city. which was great. and i know that there are many, there is the task force, the graduation requirements task force and the select committee with the board of supervisors and the board of education working together and talking about this issue. and the pac is actively participating with community
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organizations and helping to be part of the effort to bring people together. we are not the only ones working to bring other folks together. but, in the conversation, earlier today, was colman advocates, parents for public schools, the baby association for youth, chinese affirmative action, the central american resource center, james town center and mission graduates are all talking about this issue and what can they do to get information to the family and bring the services to the youth that they serve. so that part of it is exciting to see that that kind of work is moving forward and i think probably next week, when i am working in the district that will be something that i will be helping to support and move forward as the pac tries to do that from the parent perspective. we also really appreciate commissioner fewer's invitation to submit the questions that the pac has for the conversations that you are having with the curriculum committee and i think that we
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are going to get you some questions by next monday if that is okay, for this meeting after that. and we are and finally to close on this topic, we are convening a series of briefings about the topics through the school year to look at the different initiatives that the district is working on. and our topic in the november meeting is the graduation requirements and we are getting a lot of interest from pac members and community folks who want to participate in that so that will be great. and i am sure that the pac will continue to report to you about this topic. >> one more quick addition, we have as you can tell, we are going to be really missing ruth a lot. but we, do have exciting news to announce, we actually have breaking news that we can announce a new pac coordinator
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tonight. georgia williams bratt who is the current pair of the parent advisory council has accepted the offer to take on that position, effective next week. and she is going to be a great asset i think that our organization and she is an experienced community organizer and also a parent. and we are just very excited to be able to announce that. >> commissioner fewer? >> yes. so thank you to the pac for having sh interest in our 2014-2015, i too am appalled about the numbers and the disproportionalty that are not on track to graduate. i think that when the board approved this a-g requirement they were thinking that of course, if we do it well, it gives students two things, one it gives them access to the
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classes they never had access to before. and secondly, if we do it really well, then we give every student an opportunity for the 21st century, due to the budget cuts, we were not able to i think, implement a lot of the supports that were needed i think that we learned a lot during this time and because of the awareness around the 2014-2015 graduating class and the large number of students that are on track not to graduate and i think that the district has a really stepped up an urgent response to this. we may be needing your support on the city side to advocate for this, you know, how much money this type of credit recovery costs. you know? the catch-up is always costly and i think that is why that we and under the new superintendant have front loaded a lot of the stuff because the catch up later is very hard to do and a lot of
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times not successful. so, while we are doing our early warning indicators and other things is an assessment to be sure that the other graduating classes are going to graduate with this a-g requirement and i think that it is a good, or excellent policy for our students, especially knowing what they need to come meet in the 21st century and that we will not have these high numbers and trying to prevent them. i am happy to invite you and your questions, and let you know that i just spoke to commissioner norton and i hope that commissioner maufus can also join us for a curriculum meeting on the first monday of november, which is november 5th, i think that we discussed it as a committee to have it because it is the day before the elections, we felt that it would be okay, we are hoping that commissioner maufus is available and also any other board members as our meetings
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are always augmented but we would like to have that curriculum meeting so if we have the questions and we can submit them then to dr. valentino. so, sorry, that he... so we can prep him to have those questions answered. we were also because this is so tied into our graduation numbers. we were also going to have some follow up questions, if you like, ruth, about the disproportionalty of african americans, in special education under the emotionally disturbed category. and so, we because that effects our graduation rate so highly that we are going to follow up with the questions to it and i believe that you received the e-mail from dr. blanco, the follow up information and if not perhaps someone can e-mail that to ruth about, we had questions at our last meeting
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and she gave us numbers and she gave us numbers by race that were in non-school placements and also a number of students, what are trajectory looks like when students are put into classified as special education under this classification. and that showed a chart about i remember looking at this, how it spikes at 6th grade and so those type of things and so if you have any questions regarding that, or the pac does, feel free to send them our way also and we will get those questions submitted to dr. blanco in time so she can respond. so we welcome you and we welcome the new coordinator her name again is? >> georgia. >> okay. so we welcome here in the curriculum meeting too, thank you very much. [ applause ] >> georgia, why don't you come on down.
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>> good evening, and welcome. >> thank you. >> anybody else have any other comments? >> so,... >> commissioner fewer, in the meeting you said for 5:30, is there any way that it could be put at 6:00, i think that i can make it at 6:00, but i also want to... it is such an important meeting, i mean like i just think that i am going to push my schedule so i can get here at 6:00. >> okay. >> when i think about folks who would want to come to that, >> that is okay. >> 6:00 is great for us. yeah. we just were going to schedule the committee meeting as a whole the following week but we have a regular board meeting and a rules meeting and we thought that the commissioners would not want to go to three meetings in one week, i don't know why they wouldn't. but any way we just assumed it so we are going to mark the cal
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calendars for the first monday in november, we hope that you can join us georgia. >> thank you for coming and giving your report and thank you for coming up front to introduce yourself. we are going to move on to the next item. thank you very much. >> next item is f, public comment on consent items. >> there are, i believe, two or three speakers. dennis, kelley? ramison and harris and susan sullivan? >> thank you very much, i'm dennis kelley, in san francisco. and i join you in your flashing your orange and black tonight. i will let you know that i have made a wager with the president of the detroit federation of teacher and the michigan federation and i would urge you
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to reach out to john telfer the superintendant in detroit, although he had a heart attack at the beginning of this month and we hope that he is all right and can bear the whole idea of this. i have asked you to look at a couple of items on the agenda tonight, the first one is k-14. k-14 has you spending during these times, $8,700 to make a movie. and i would hope that someone would explain why that is a legitimate expense in these kinds of straightened times when we are going to the public and asking them to raise taxes in order to support the schools. look at k18, 20, and 22, and each one of those, the district
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is getting back money that apparently was not spent in previous years. and so, there is no expenditure obviously, but you are getting money. and the question is i think that one of these goes back to 2010, how have we been carrying these projected expenditures from that time and why were they just discovered and coming back? this becomes important because the credibility of the district in negotiation relies on it saying that it is following, you know, that it is actually spending the money that it says that it is spending and needs the money, that it says that is needs. but these four items seem to indicate that something else is going on. so i would hope that there would be an explanation of those four items also. thank you very much.
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>> good evening, commissioners, superintendent, debbie robinson harris, commissioner, i want to bring to your attention that the million plus dollars that san francisco is continuing to give child development program in san francisco unified school district. it is a continued example of the continued commitment that the first five have and maybing the children of san francisco 0 to 5, even as funding is diminishing, our money is partly derived from smokers, we have fewer smokers in the state of california. the commission still prioritized the need and the importance of improving the quality of preschools for young children in san francisco. it is an effort to continue to close the achievement gap and the many excess gaps that
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provide it. it is always allowing opportunities for young children to carry important tools and strategies with them for the rest of their life. please remember the good work the first five is doing and the commitment that they have given to the san francisco unified school district, particularly in the near future when the city is going to be reconsidering reratification and authorization of many of the other bills and propositions that have been supporting the first five, thank you. >> thank you. let's move to item g, consent calendar. is there a motion to second on the consent calendar? >> so moved. >> second. >> and any items withdrawn or corrected by the superintendent? >> good evening. there are four corrections to 4
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b. 1210-23 k5 on page 54. dates of service should be september 24, 2012, to june 30, 2013 instead of july 1, 2012 to june 30, 2013. two 4 b. 1210-23 k10 on page 64. dates of service should be october 24, 2012 to june 30, 2013 instead of october 24, 2012 to june 30, 2012. for the next two items please note that the correction is to the background of the resolution not to the actions the board is taking. to 2 f 1210-23 d6 on page eleven.
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dates of service should be 2011, 2012 school year instead of 2012-2013 school year. and lastly, 2, 2 g 1210-23 b6 on page 12. dates of service should be 2011, 2012 school year instead of 2012-2013 school year. >> any items removed by the board? any items severed by the board for discussion and vote tonight? >> commission office? >> k1. >> on page 47. >> okay, any others? seeing none. roll call the vote will take
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place under section o. item h, superintendents proposal none tonight, item i, board members proposals held for speakers cards and action, none tonight. requests item j, request to speak regarding general matters. >> i don't see any, so we are going to move on, right? >> keep it moving. item k. advisory committee reports appointments to advisory committees by board members? any appointments by board members? seeing none. item l. special order of business, motion and a second to the authorization to enter into a new lease agreement with leadership high school, a non-profit 501 c3 corporation for the use and site located at 300 seneca avenue, san francisco, california. so there is a motion and a
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second? >> so moved. >> second. >> reading a recommendation by superintendent in this case, ly or michael davis? mr. davis? >> good evening, commissioners. what we have ais a special order of business asking the board of education to authorize the superintendent or disi gony to negotiate with the leader high school which is a non-profit 501 c3 corporation and enter into a lease agreement with a charter school grant for the use of the site located at 300 seneca avenue, san francisco, california. basically what we have here is an opportunity to allow leadership high school to move from its current location on the top floor of denyman middle
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school to the site of 300 seneca. it is currently being modernized and renovated and expected to be completed by december of 2014 for occupantcy for january 2015. we would like the board's authorization to enter into a lease agreement under which we would designate 300 seneca as the site of leadership high school charter school for acceptance of the prop 1 d funds for which they have already applied. this will allow us to recoup on a 50/50 match basis, some of the $12 million that we are already slated to spend from the 2006 bond proceeds on that moderization. >> thank you, mr. day sis. any questions about this? >> seeing none, roll call please? >> thank you, miss lee?
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>> yes. >> miss wong? >> yes. >> miss fewer. >> yes. >> miss maufus? >> yes. >> miss mendosa. she is not here. >> mr. murase? >> aye. >> mr. yee. aye. >> six is. >> discussion of other education issues general education transportation for 2013, 2014 school year, superintendent carranza? >> thank you, i would like to ask orla okeff to take us through this. >> thank you, superintendent and commissioners, while we are setting up we actually have a powerpoint presentation that we are going to project for this and copies are going around for the commissioners and the staff and we also have copies of it available for the public if they would like to pick up
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copies of it. and we hope that the technology supports us. >> so commissioners this is, as for the last three years we have been in a process of rethinking general education transportation services. and we are in the presentation tonight, going to share what our budget reduction goals are for the 2013-14 school year. and go over what the approach for developing recommendations for year 3 of changes, and then
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going into a description of what those recommendations are. the impact of the changes, and an overview of the next steps and the description of some alternatives to yellow bus transportation. in the appendix, just for context, this is an overview of the board's policy guidelines and an overview of the general education transportation services currently available and a summary of the changes that have taken place over the last two years. so i will start with the budget reduction goal. as you know, we are trying to minimize the use of general fund contributions for general education transportation. and so, we need to reduce the fleet by 5 buss from 30 to 25 in the 2013, in the 13, 14 school year in order to align the cost with the funds from home to school transportation. and we have listed here the
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state categorical and title one and we also get money to support field trips. what we are about to share is driven by this budget reduction model. and the approach that we took was to work to align middle school services with the feeders. last year, we began this alignment when we added services that were to support the feeder patterns. and we also like to avoid making any bell changes. it is very enter connected complicated developing transportation system and obviously bell times have a huge impact on our ability to efficiently use limited buses. we recognize that changing bell times is disruptive for the entire community, including families not using transportation and families using special education services and so we wanted to avoid any recommendation that included bell changes. we also wanted to minimize the number of schools and the number of riders that would be
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impacted. and we wanted to make sure that we could align our process with the enrollment cycle so that family woulds have the information well in advance and on time for that could inform their decisions with regard to applications for next year. >> so the changes we are recommending is to reduce the services to aptis and hove and to eliminate to lou and new traditions the students with iep that requires transportation will not be required by these recommendations. the next few slides go over the impact that the school has. and so, for aptos, last year, we added transportation from carver and star king in support of the middle school feed and hers this year we are proposing deleting the services from the mission area. and we... this is hard to say the number of riders that will
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be impacted but currently there are about 56, 57 students they are in grades 6 to 8. so obviously some of these students will you know graduate into high school. we wanted to get this information out before the enrollment fair so that the incoming sixth graders will have an understanding of what transportation services are available and missionary will continue to provide transportation to hoove, middle school. the next set of changes impact hoover middle school and transportation are the guidelines to supporting the middle school feeders. so last year we added services from moscona and serra area and this year proposing deleting the services from the bay view. we think that the current riders are about 27 if you look at the higher number in the
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afternoon and this does include the current 8th graders. there are three other schools that middle schools that receive transportation from bay view and they are aptos and lake and those services will not be disrupted. the three elementary school that were chosen, we did not want to change bell times and reduce the schools that were affected and that is what informed the decision to eliminate the services at these three elementary schools. and again, it does reflect current rider ship, not necessarily the number of students that will be impacted because it includes fifth grader who go on to middle school and getting the information out before the enrollment fair it will enform incoming kindergarten, and they will have that information before they make their choices. so the next steps are that we would like to communicate these changes for the 13, 14 school year, using a variety of
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methods including getting information to the enrollment fair and working directly with the schools and families and we are going to develop the letters that can be sent to families and frequently asked questions and feedback forms and have all of that available in multilingual in spanish, english and chinese available and distributed over the next three weeks. and over the next 12 months, we need to continue the work to redesign general education transportation service to make sure that they reflect the board's policy guidelines and provide equalable access to this resource. the hope is over the next 12 months we can develop recommendations to redesign the services on time for the 14-15 school year anticipating that there will not be a reduction in the number of buses but a redesign in services. so that is something that we would come back to the board with next year. and then this is just kind of raising awareness. again we tried to do this every
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time that we talk about reductions in service to yellow bus transportation to just kind of raise awareness about a lot of alternatives and there are a lot of agencies and partners in the city that are working for a variety of reasons to provide alternatives to yellow bus transportation. so i just wanted to share that information. >> so thank you, commissioners and i will turnover the projecter, so you cannot be blinded when you return to your seats and i will be happy to answer any questions that you have. >> thank you, miss okeff. anybody have any questions, commissioner murase and vice president? >> thank you, very much for that presentation. i think that it is